The dovetailing of Martin Luther King Day and the inauguration in the midst of an “impeachment in a Capitol ringed by troops” that could spiral into a state of emergency with “limited” martial law is surreal and extraordinarily dangerous. I have presented a strategy in an article entitled “How Would Martin Luther King Confront the Capitol Riots?” [] regarding how we should react to keep Donald Trump politically paralyzed until he is out office.
Everything that happened leading up to January 6 in an October article entitled The War After the Election [] in which I summarized the findings of the Transition Integrity Project, a group that included former Congressmen, United States Senators, previous cabinet members, White House Chiefs of Staffs, Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security and state governors whose “war games” predicted almost exactly what is happening. I have also been updating the article to take into account events since January 6 with ideas regarding what we should do to immobilize Trump until Biden assumes power.
Part of this strategy involves politically incapacitating Trump with the twin threats of an impeachment conviction or removal from office via the 25th Amendment.
It wouldn’t necessarily succeed, but the President could justify the legality of the initiation of emergency powers more than he can justify the legality of many other things he has done. We as a citizenry must refrain from any action that would give Donald Trump an excuse for attempting to declare even “limited” martial law. We must also assure that there can be no reincarnation of Trump so that the events of January 6 can never happen again by demanding that Congress implement the legislation to curb presidential power petitioned for in The Pledge to Safeguard the Constitution [].