Alex Crisafulli
1 min readNov 20, 2020


The way to be a modern day "Paul Revere" is to sign The Pledge to Safeguard the Election ( which demands that election officials and office holders (legislators and governors) abide by modern electoral processes or else threatens to effectively "primary" them in future elections if they don't (in the elections, not necessarily in the primaries themselves).

This would be the way we average citizens could once again individually and collectively express our collective voices to support election officials in their endeavors to do their jobs free of both threats of violence or political arm-twisting.

The pressure on the Republican Party shouldn't just be coming from Trump voters - it should be coming from the entire electorate (including Trump voters) to make the Republican establishment follow modern electoral procedures (which would basically lead to the popular will from within EACH STATE being expressed faithfully in the Electoral College). We should make Republicans terrified of something much larger than Donald Trump: that we - especially Independents and moderates - will "primary" them on this specific issue in future elections if they don't follow contemporary electoral procedures in the current one.

Be proactive before we allow politicians and street thugs to potentially hijack this election.

