If the impeachment trial can’t be postponed so that Democrats can build a better case (which might not matter anyway), the Democrats and the few Republicans they can peel away should switch gears and do a censure of Trump with some real teeth in it: they should pass very targeted legislation that would severely curb presidential power; as well as leave section 3 of the 14th Amendment as an open option if Trump starts to stir up trouble. As Trump gets bogged down with his legal and financial problems over the next months, he may no longer continue to look as attractive or powerful to his base or to the craven politicians who cling to it. Impeachment may not be necessary, as this strategy would solve the problem. I explain it more fully in The War After the Election [https://medium.com/illumination-curated/the-war-after-the-election-545de96aa4ca?source=friends_link&sk=627c55d616d9296af3e398f1686493a4] and in a link at the end of it that explains the legislation.