To Raphael Klarfield and anybody else who would like to help in this endeavor:
I sent The Pledge to Safeguard the Constitution to every Democratic politician I could reach before the election. It was literally (without exaggeration) weeks of work from dawn to dusk . It is very hard to get their attention. I am still trying to get public attention on these ideas. I think both the ideas in The War After the Election to thwart the immediate crisis and The Pledge to Safeguard the Constitution as part of the long-term solution should be circulated. Hopefully you will help do the same and get others to do so. Thanks for caring enough to respond. And keep working to make this a better world in whatever way each of us can.
P.S. - I could use help with this from anyone out there. If you or anybody else would like to help there are suggestions regarding how you can do so at